Does that metal pit after contact with acid? 那种金属同酸接触后是否会起凹点?
Substances and preparations which release toxic or very toxic gasesin contact with water, air or an acid. 物质和水、空气或酸接触,能释放有毒或强毒的气体。
Only under some circumstances zinc coatings are unsuitable, for example, at high temperatures and in contact with acid or strongly alkaline solution. 只有在某些情况下,锌层才不适用,比如在高温下,与酸液或强碱溶液相接触。
Experimental study on contact angle between humic acid and coal surface 腐植酸溶液在煤表面接触角的实验研究
Do not contact methylene chloride acet ( like nail oil) strong acid detergent. 不要接触亚甲基氯化物、丙酮(去指甲油剂)、强酸清洗剂。
The contact angle of films is decreased under more acid environment, but the hardness of the films is increased. 在越酸性环境下反应所制备之薄膜接触角虽然下降,但是可提高薄膜硬度。
Latex industrial gloves, apply only to weak acid concentration is not high sulfuric acid and various salts, have no contact with strong oxidizing acids ( nitric acid, etc.). 乳胶工业手套只适用于弱酸,浓度不高的硫酸和各种盐类,不得接触强氧化酸(硝酸等)。
Contact with strong oxidizing acids such as nitric acid, chromic acid and so on, due to strong oxidation products will cause brittle hair, discoloration, early damage. 接触强氧化酸如硝酸、铬酸等,因强氧化作用会造成产品发脆、变色、早期损坏。
The liquid surface is not distorted upon contact with the solid. Effect of preparation conditions on catalytic performance of supported acid ionic liquids by radical polymerization 制备条件对自由基聚合固载酸性离子液体催化性能的影响
Anti-acid& alkali fabric is suitable for workers who often contact acid and alkaline. 防酸碱面料,适合制作长期接触酸液或碱液的作业人员穿用的防护服。
Furthermore, it is good for the mixing contact of matrices and sludge, accelerating the degradation of oil, fat and fatty cid and preventing the oil and fatty acid from accumulation. 尽快从间歇进水变为连续进水,利于基质和污泥的混和接触,可促进油脂和脂肪酸的降解,防止油和脂肪酸的积累。
So each perforated interval can contact with the fresh acidizing fluid with original concentration by use of such a method, thus solving the problem of partial intervals ′ being difficult to contact with the fresh acid because of the long horizontal interval. 采用这种方法,可以让每个射孔段都能接触到地面原始浓度的鲜酸,解决了由于水平井段长,部分射孔段难以接触到鲜酸的难题。
Objective The contact allergenic activity of trichloroethylene and its three metabolites trichloroacetic acid, trichloroethanol, chloral hydrate were studied. 目的探讨三氯乙烯及其代谢产物三氯乙酸、三氯乙醇及水合三氯乙醛对豚鼠的皮肤致敏作用。
Calculation and Determination Principle of Contact Time for Oxidation of Ammonia with Nitric Acid 硝酸生产中氨氧化接触时间的计算及确定原则
In the chemical industry production process, since day-to-day contact acid, alkali, salt and organic dissolves to cross a river etc the strong corrosiveness medium, the corruption harm of equipment is a great and real problem. 在化工生产过程中,由于经常接触酸、碱、盐及有机溶剂等强腐蚀性介质,设备的腐蚀危害是一个重大而现实的问题。
80% of the patients were burned by prolonged contact with peracetic acid. 80%的患者由于长时间接触过氧乙酸而导致烧伤。
Study on the Angle of Contact and the Wetting of Salicylic Acid in the Measuring Solution Methanol-Water System 水杨酸在甲醇-水测定体系的接触角和润湿性能研究
Technical Development of Contact Sulphuric Acid Process 接触法硫酸技术发展动向
Fluorinated membrane polymers were used as coatings on the surface protection of cultural heritage, according to the preliminary study of membrane property, contact angle, glass transition temperature, and the ability in anti acid and anti-base. 在分析了含氟聚合物及其共混物的成膜性能、接触角、玻璃化转变温度、耐酸碱性能等研究结果的基础上,将含氟聚合物应用于土质及石质类文物表面的防护处理。
On the basis of powder contact angle measurement, the surface free energy of active carbon and acetylene black before and after oxidized by nitric acid or reduced by hydrazine was estimated by means of Wu formula. 在粉末接触角测试的基础上,用Wu方程估算了硝酸氧化或肼还原前后,活性炭和乙炔黑的表面自由能(简称表面能)。
This drug is non-toxic and has no side effect. It promotes proliferation of the cell in cervical mucous membrane, enhances local immune function and protects the wound surface from contact with acid excretion of the vagina and thus eliminates the basic cause of erosion. 该药物能促使宫颈粘膜细胞增殖,增强局部免疫功能,保护宫颈糜烂创面,使之与阴道酸性环境隔离,去除了发生糜烂的基本病因。
Methods Urinary specimens of the pregnant women and children of 0-2 years old were collected to detect urinary iodine by way of the contact of acid digestion arsenic-cerium. 方法采集孕妇和0~2岁儿童尿样,采用酸消化砷-铈接触法测定尿碘。
Following the criterion of the water contact angles, the optimal process parameters including the sandblasting time, the concentration of hydrochloric acid and the etching time are determined. 以管线钢表面与水接触角为评价标准,本论文确定出最佳的喷砂时间、盐酸浓度以及刻蚀时间的工艺参数。
Low temperature and short empty bed contact time are bad for biodegradation of phthalic acid esters. 低温和低空床接触时间对邻苯二甲酸酯的生物降解不利。
Along with the increasing of the sandblasting time, the contact angles between water and the hydrophobic surface of pipeline steel increase at first and then decrease. And it also shows the same trend with etching time extension at different concentrations of hydrochloric acid etching solution. 疏水管线钢表面与水接触角随着喷砂时间的延长呈现先增大后减小的趋势;并且在不同浓度盐酸刻蚀溶液下,随着刻蚀时间的延长也呈现先增大后减小的趋势。
Skarn deposit forms in contact section between acid intrusive rock and carbonate rock, while porphyry-type deposits and mid-low temperature heat vein type deposits related to postmagmatic hydrothermal. 与碳酸盐岩接触部位形成矽卡岩型矿床,岩浆期后热液形成斑岩型及中低温热液脉型矿床。
Besides, through contact spot impedance test on different corrosion products, it could get the impact extent of different corrosion products on contact spot impedance character. The test result indicate that nitric acid stream influence the contact spot impedance much more than sulfur dioxide. 另外,通过对不同腐蚀物的触点进行阻抗测试,可以对比得到不同腐蚀物对触点阻抗特性的影响程度,结果表明硝酸蒸汽相对于SO2气体来说,对触点的阻抗影响更大。